Hello, I'm Imogen Bailey

I am a talented designer with a Bachelor of Design from AUT, majoring in Graphic Design. With over six years of experience in the industry, I bring a wealth of
knowledge and a keen eye for detail to every project. Proficient in the Adobe suite; in particular Illustrator and InDesign. A dream to create my own textiles for my small business β€˜Wolf Foot Designs’.

Alongside my design expertise, I also excel in digital marketing tasks; SEM, SEO, EDM, and SMM. I enjoy analysing data collected from clients’ websites and leveraging insights to drive impactful changes. Whether it involves optimising content and website layout to enhance user experience or refining advertising strategies and messaging, I am adept at utilising data to make informed decisions.

  • Bin Inn Waitara

    While working at Smokeylemon, I designed the Bin Inn Waitara website. This project really alligned with my interests and was a favourite project of mine.

  • Pride Taranaki Logo

    Before delving into sketching up concepts or even thinking about creating anything on the computer, I sat down with Sunita of Pride Taranaki to find out what they were after.

  • Farnsworth Roofing Refresh

    Such a pleasure working with Erin from Farnsworth Roofing to evolve their brand. Keeping the iconic orange details but modernising it overall.

    Check out their website

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